DMPQ:India is a federal country. In the light of this statement outline the features of federalism in India.

Features: Written constitution with exhaustive coverage. Constitutional forefathers tried to cover each and every aspect. It limits the operations of the government at the centre. Supremacy of the constitution also ensure final authority of constitution and their written words. Constitution is not easily amendable and specific pre requisite are required to ensure amendment. It limits … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the different types of Corruption.

Types Of Corruption Systemic corruption As opposed to exploiting occasional opportunities, endemic or systemic corruption is when corruption is an integrated and essential aspect of the economic, social and political system, when it is embedded in a wider situation that helps sustain it. Systemic corruption is not a special category of corrupt practice, but rather … Read more

DMPQ-Do regional parties promote national integration of different parts of society?

  Another criticism of Regional Parties is their exclusionary ideology. Some parties like Shiv Sena function on double exclusion, by invoking Maratha and Hindu pride. These thus create artificial differences in society, by highlighting differences and ignoring the commonalities. Most national parties, on the other hand, have all inclusive ‘sarvajanik’ principles, inclusive of all people … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the main Functions of The Election Commission of India.

Functions of The Election Commission of India The Superintendence, Direction and Control of Election Preparation of Electoral Rolls To declare the date of Election To reognise and derecognise Political Parties To prepare code of conduct for Political Parties Control over the staff connected with Election To conduct Election To establish Polling Stations Safety of Ballot Boxes … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by Rule of Law in Governance?

The rule of law primarily means that everything must be done according to law. Applied to the powers of government, this requires that every government authority which does some act which would otherwise be a wrong or which infringes a man’s liberty, must be able to justify its action as authorised by Law and in … Read more

DMPQ- Explain Administrative Agencies.

All administrative law is run through government agencies. Our government is made up of numerous administrative agencies. These agencies are also sometimes called regulatory agencies. Agencies can be federal, state, city, or county entities. These agencies administer laws and manage public programs through the use of rules and regulations. Each agency is responsible for administering a particular … Read more

DMPQ- Indian Constitution is a Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility. Justify.

Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility Constitutions are also classified into rigid and flexible. A rigid Constitution is one that requires a special procedure for its amendment, as for example, the American Constitution. A flexible constitution, on the other hand, is one that can be amended in the same manner as the ordinary laws are made, … Read more

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