Philosophical Basis Of Governance

 Governance is the exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their differences. The challenge for all societies is to create a system of … Read more

Scheduled Caste

 & Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) 1989 (No.33 of 1989) The s and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to prevent atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The Act is popularly known as POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act, or simply … Read more

Self Help Groups

  (SHGs) and Civil Society in India The (SHG) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago in order to alleviate poverty, and improve women’s ability to achieve rights and well-being. At the beginning, SHG was an initiative undertook by NGOs, but later on, due to its success in improving live standards and delivering public … Read more

The Protection Of Human Rights Act

 , 1993 The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) mooted the idea 01 the creation of an impartial institution for the protection of human rigfits in the States as early as 1946. In pursuance of the resolution of the General Assembly adopted in 1966,' the Economic and Social Council requested the Human … Read more

Regulatory Governance

 REGULATORY GOVERNANCE       Regulation refers to “controlling human or societal behaviour by rules or regulations or alternatively a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law”. Regulation covers all activities of private or public behaviour that may be detrimental to … Read more

Sailent Features Of Representation Of Peoples Act

 People are the supreme power in the democratic country. Accordingly the People of India solemnly resolved that India is a democratic country. As we know that the India is a largest democracy in the world. The term Democracy mentioned in the Preamble of the constitution of India in the broader sense embracing not only … Read more

Transparency International And Accountability

 Transparency International (TI) is an international non-governmental organization which is based in Berlin, Germany, and was founded in 1993. Its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption and prevent criminal activities arising from corruption. It publishes for example the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perceptions Index. Transparency International has the … Read more

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel handled effectively the integration of the princely Subscribe on YouTube states with his diplomatic skills and foresightedness. The problem of amalgamating 562 independent states with a democratic self-governing India was difficult and delicate. But it was essential to save India from balkanization, once the Paramountcy of British crown … Read more

Right To Service

 Right To Service     Delivering public services in a time bound, decentralised and citizen friendly manner has been one of the major challenges facing the administration wing of the government.   Right to Public Services legislation in India comprises statutory laws which guarantee time-bound delivery of various public services rendered to citizens and … Read more

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