DMPQ:What is groundwater contamination? What are the causes of ground water contamination?

Groundwater contamination is the adulteration of water because of the increase in the concentration of certain pollutants. The major pollutants contributing to contamination are Arsenic, fluoride, Iron, uranium , nitrate etc. Causes of groundwater contamination are: Natural: Groundwater naturally contains high amount of pollutant due to geological formation. For example occurrence of fluoride is related … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the steppe type of climate.

( in answer writing when such kind of explanation is asked follow this approach) Distribution:     Lies in the interior of the earth crust. They basically lies in the zone of  westerly wind belt. Grasslands are practically treeless due to continentality. They are called by different names in different parts of the world Prairies North … Read more

DMPQ- Throw light on the intrusive volcanic landforms.

Batholiths A large body of magmatic material that cools in the deeper depth of the crust develops in the form of large domes. They appear on the surface only after the denudational processes remove the overlying materials. They cover large areas, and at times, assume depth that may be several km. These are granitic bodies. … Read more

DMPQ-. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?

After independence, India witnessed green , blue and white revolutions in farm, fishery and dairy sector respectively. Green revolution: It was initiated to achieve food security in the country. It included three components : continued expansion of farming areas, double-cropping existing farmland, using seeds with improved genetics. The Green Revolution resulted in a record grain … Read more

DMPQ:Importance of Western Ghats is immense. Comment.

The Western Ghats are the mountain groups running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. The Ghats is well known for its biodiversity, where we can find a variety of flora and fauna. Mountain range starts around the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra, to the south of river Tapti. Runs through the states of … Read more

DMPQ- What is rainbow revolution ? Point out it’s importance for India’s Agriculture.

The earlier Green Revolution was centred on wheat and now what is required is a  comprehensive revolution, which covers the entire agriculture sector known as Rainbow  Revolution and it essentially means the following: Agricultural activities to change from subsistence and livelihood activities to as a commercial venture with focus on productivity and profitability. Crop diversification, … Read more

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