DMPQ: Even though Indian economy is growing at a rate of 7% GDP, but still it has some  Inherent vulnerabilities? Discuss

Investment – For sustaining high growth, the economy need to continuously add to its “production capacity” through new investment flows. • Productive investment is money that is spent for – building roads, ports (and other public infrastructure), factories, and workforce quality enhancement. • Currently, India is seeing a sharp decline in the rate of investments … Read more

DMPQ: Exit problem is the biggest hurdle for Indian firms as per economic survey. To get rid of this Insolvency and Bankruptcy code was passed. What are the features of IBC.

The Insolvency and Subscribe on YouTube Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was enacted in 2016 to facilitate a time-bound resolution for ailing and sick firms. It could either be through closure or revival, while protecting the interests of creditors. Under IBC, either the creditor (banks) or the loaner (defaulter) can initiate insolvency proceedings. It is done by … Read more

DMPQ: 2/3rd of our population lies in the rural India. In rural India incidence of poverty is high. Discuss the methods adopted by the Government of India to address rural distress.

Rapid agriculture growth and rapid rural employment growth were always the focus of India’s policy makers. But despite the efforts of the Government since independence a large proportion in rural India lives below poverty line. Schemes introduced by Government to improve Rural Income: In Agriculture sector following programs have been introduced: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the features of consolidated FDI Policy for 2017.

Commerce ministry has released a consolidated policy for FDI  in 2017. This time they have included start ups in the FDI Subscribe on YouTube policy also. The major features of FDI are as follows: With the dilution of FIPB, the power for clearance has been delegated to the administrative departments. The proposal relating to the … Read more

DMPQ: If poverty is a problem, rural poverty poses a greater threat . In this context discuss the reasons for rural poverty.

India is mainly a rural country. Nearly 68% of the people reside in the rural area. The reasons for rural poverty are multi dimensional. The reasons are social, economical, geographical.   Economic cause Low agricultural productivity. Over reliance on agriculture.( quote the data) Unequal distribution of land and other assets Decline of Village industries Immobility … Read more

DMPQ: Tendulkar committee on estimation of poverty changed the basis of calculating poverty. Discuss.

In 2005, another expert group to review methodology for  poverty estimation, chaired by Suresh Tendulkar, was constituted by the Planning Commission.  The reason for formulation of committee was : Issues with the adjustment of prices for inflation, both spatially and temporally. Earlier poverty line assumed that health and education would be provided by the state  … Read more

DMPQ: Why does make in India is essential for sustained growth of India?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Make in India initiative on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic companies to manufacture their products within the country. The initiative aims to raise the contribution of the manufacturing sector to 25% of … Read more

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