DMPQ: Define following term ( Eco) a) Current account b) Capital account c) Balance of payment d) Trade balance

Current account:       Current account refers to the account maintained by every government of the world in which every kind of transaction is shown, this account is maintained by the central banking body. Current transactions of an economy in foreign currency all over the world- export, import, interest payments, foreign investments in share.   Capital account:         … Read more

DMPQ: What is SEBI? Write down its functions

SEBI stands for securities and exchange board of India. It was set up through a government resolution in an effort to give the Indian stock market an organised structure. Its initial paid up capital up was Rs. 50 Crore.   Main functions and powers of the SEBI are as follows: Registering and stock exchanges, merchant … Read more

DMPQ: Banking sector was highly regulated and the sad state of affairs of the bank prior to 1991 was mainly because of government mismanagement. In this context discuss the recommendation of Narsimahan Committee.( Economics)

A high level committee on financial system was set up on august 14,1991. The objective of the committee was set up to examine all aspect relating to structure, organisation, function and procedures of the financial system.  The recommendations were majorly aimed at ensuring a degree of operational flexibility; internal autonomy for public sector banks; and … Read more

DMPQ: Free electric power to the farmers is causing a drain on exchequer and also they are not achieving the desire result. Do you agree with the statement. ( Polity)

There is about accumulated debt of 1 lakh crore on state electricity boards. The reasons being free power is a political issues and different political parties offer it as dole to influence the voter. This subsidy has done more damage than good. 83% of the Punjab farmers have small or marginal land holdings and they … Read more

DMPQ: Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)

Since the beginnings of the last decade as a part of the economic reforms programme, the taxation system in the country has been subjected to consistent and comprehensive programme.  Indian government over the years have introduced tax reforms from time to time.     Direct tax reforms: Reduction and rationalisation of rates- there are only … Read more

What do you understand by Tax expenditure? Comment on its relevance? ( Economy)

Tax expenditure is the revenue foregone as a result of exemptions and concessions. Tax expenditure was introduced for the first time in 2006-07 union budget.  Tax expenditure is justified on following grounds: Act as an incentive for priority sector like infrastructure. It promotes balance regional growth It neutralise the disadvantage on account of location It … Read more

Define the following term: (economy)

Tax incidence:  Tax incidence is the entity on whom tax is imposed. It is the distribution of the overall tax burden between sellers and buyers in an economy.     Tax burden:       It is the total amount of tax paid by a particular group of people, an industry etc especially as compared to what other … Read more

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