15-16.05.21 Daily [Telangana] TSPSC Current Affairs

Telangana Affairs

Wearing masks reduces chances of death by 87%: Study

A study by a group ofresearchersassociated withCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), the national public health agency of the United States, has found that chances of deaths have reduced by 87 per cent if people wear medical masks. It also said wearing double masks is a better option to counter the UK variant ofCovid-19.

The study, which was conducted for about six months in the US, said that by wearing a cloth mask, the death rate had reduced by 82 per cent. The medical masks also helped in reducing the cumulative infection by 78 per cent and by 69 per cent if people wore cloth masks.

The study also enlightens the fact that those who are still reluctant to wear masks should do so immediately for their own good. The study made important observations on usage of double maks for protection against the UK and Wuhan variants. With strains still having a high reproduction number of 1.6 (one infected person can infect 1.6 persons), the study also stressed on usage of double masks instead of a single mask.

National and International Affairs

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